Pediatrics launched their new education plan TOP2020. At the same time, EPASS is adapted to meet the new educational requirements and wishes. TOP2020 matches to the changes in patient care and the revision of the education, which allows trainees to follow a more individualised learning plan. The addition of EPAs that support a graduate accumulation of responsibility. A new instrument is introduced in EPASS to support the jugdment of the supervising staff (“Oordeel OpleidingsGroep (OOG)”).
The changes in EPASS are created in a close and pleasant cooperation with the pediatrics team, to assure that the portfolio system is tailored to the requiments in the education plan and to the wishes of supervisors and trainees.
On February 7 2017 the results of the European WATCHME-project (grant no 619349) are presented, in which the department of Educational Development and Research of Maastricht University and Mateum are partners. In this project an electronic portfolio (EPASS) was extended with a module based on learning analytics in order to provide students with more personalized and adaptive feedback.
We cordially invite you to the following program:
12.00-13.00: Lunch meeting
Presentation of the context and results of the project.
Explanation of the developed student model to provide feedback.
13.15-15.45: Two parallel workshops:
15.45-16.30: Reception
Maastricht University
Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences
Universiteitssingel 60
Room 04.22 (docprof)
6229 ER Maastricht
The Netherlands
Registration is free.
For logistic reasons we would like you to register before January 30 2017. Go to registration.
EPASS team member Marjan Govaerts has won the ‘Honours Award for Education’ within the domain Biomedical Sciences. Marjan was involved in the curriculum revision of the education Biomedical Sciences, Maastricht University and has provided the education of educational advices. We congratulate her with this award!
At 17 and 18 November 2016, the annual NVMO congress will take place in Egmond aan Zee. EPASS will be present here as an exhibitor. We would like to welcome everybody at our booth!
The need for a new and improved curriculum was felt because of disappointing rankings, as well as students’ remarks about gaps and duplications. They started from scratch taking into account the changing demand of society. Nowadays, employers are looking for internationally oriented graduates with expert knowledge, skills and competences. Students will now work on their competences and skills from day one. Via a mentoring system, students will work together with their mentor and peers on competences such as professional behaviour, collaboration, writing and presenting. At the end of each course, students receive feedback from tutors and peers. By means of their portfolio, they keep track of their progress. EPASS is delighted to be the chosen portfolio for this new challenging curriculum in which competency-based learning is a process that will continue throughout the whole study.