EPASS is developed to support you in workplacebased learning and/or assessing. Therefore, it is of great importance that you are satisfied about the use and the accessiblity of EPASS.
If you have questions, encouter problems or inclarities while using EPASS, please send you question to support@epass.eu or call the helpdesk +31 88 38 88 388 (working days from 9:00h till 17:00h CET).
SDB Groep
Regulusweg 11
2516 AC, The Hague
The Netherlands
Tel: 0031 88 38 88 300
Helpdesk: 0031 88 38 88 388
KvK The Hague: 27288332
General: info@epass.eu
Helpdesk: support@epass.eu