The following portfolios have been developed and are now used within the following education programmes and / or current practice:
Residents develop their competences during their work on the workplace, and are observed, supervised and assessed on a daily basis by supervisors, staff member and non-physicians in the working environment of the professional. The portfolio consist of workplace based assessments, multisource feedback, reflections, personal development plans, registrations of medical procedures and a module to request and review declarations of competence for procedures and EPAs on various (Miller) levels. The exact configuration of EPASS may differ depending on the requirements of each specialty.
Students studying to become a doctor are supported in the portfolio in their competence development. In the bachelor (theoretical), the focus is mainly on professional behavior, skills training and reflection. In the master (clinical / clerkships), EPASS provides a platform to further develop the competences in clerkships and learning in authentic clinical environments.
During the master of the veterinary education, students participate in clerkships in a professional setting in one of three differentiations (in Dutch): “Gezelschapsdieren”, “Paard”, “Landbouwhuisdieren”. Students develop towards the competencies of a veterinarian during the master. This portfolio is used by Universiteit Utrecht.
For medical specialist EPASS has a portfolio that provides room for reflection, appraisal and receiving feedback on the performance from colleagues and patients (IFMS: individual functioning medical specialists) and residents in training (MCTQ). For more information, see Evaluation.
The growing demand for care and quality improvement requires a proper match between care and cure. This is the domain of the physician assistant. During the education, the professional develops the nursing competences to an academic level.
The master education Physical Assistant – Clinical obstetrics is an addition to the corresponding bachelor education. The clinical obstetrician is trained to give responsible care in complex situation during pregnancy and delivery.
For nurses, there is a broad spectrum of specialistic postgraduate trainings, divided in three domains. During the education, students work in a department on which they receive practical training.
EPASS is used to support and monitor student in their academic writing skills. The students’ papers are assessed based on a set of academic writing competencies. Coordinators can monitor the performance and development of students.
The research master Physician-Clinical Investigator (MSc/MD) offers the opportuntiy to combine a medical degree with a clinical investigator degree. It focuses on translational medicine: bridging the gap between research and care delevery by translating questions from patient care into research, and applying research results to care. The physician component is equivalent tot the Dutch master’s degree in medicine, whoch allows the student to apply for entry to any medical specialist programme (e.g. family medicine, paediatrics, surgery etc.). The combined degree also offers excellent prospects for a fast track towards a PhD. This four-year track is taught in Dutch, although parts of the clinical investigator component are offerd in English. It is a high-demanding programme, expecting the student spends between 40-45 hours a week to his study. One can aplly to this research master when being apointed as a high potential with a bachelor degree with a strong biomedical signature. And this combined with a passion for medical sciences and a profound empathy for medical patient care. Please visit page Academic Research for more information on Mindmap module for reflection.
The Master of Health Professions Education course is a unique course within medicine and health sciences. Students learn to develop innovative education, contribute to research and take the lead and manage complex educational tasks. The two-year training program uses a portfolio to monitor and assess the students.