We believe that everyone has the right to continuous professional development, to lifelong learning. It is our remit to facilitate and improve learning and assessment processes by linking technical expertise and scientific knowledge up with daily practice so as to offer a custom- made electronic portfolio, tailored to the users’ wishes and needs. This allows us to achieve our primary goal: giving professionals the opportunity to perform to the best of their abilities. The staff members of the EPASS team are high-educated academic experts in the field of educational-, medical- and health sciences, knowledge- and software engineering, informatics and mathematics. They strive to share and combine their knowledge in order to develop user-friendly product of high- quality, whereby educational advice and consultancy are subsequently part of the development and implementation.
In 2008, EPASS was launched by the department of Educational Development and –Research (EDR) of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences (FHML) of Maastricht University. Within the framework of an IN VIVO project, the construction of an electronic portfolio for residents within the medical specialties Gynaecology and Pediatric Medicine was set up. In 2009 the collaboration with Mateum started, the team expanded on diverse domains, the system grew with a more profound content and as a consequence of all this, a broad scala of various educational tracks use now EPASS whereby EPASS is adapted to the specific requirements and features of the specific track. In 2014, the European project called WATCHME started and through this EPASS is used in an international context, more specific for the following tracks: (1) the undergraduate medical training in Berlin, (2) the veterinary medicine track in Budapest and within (3) the educational track of Estonia. As of November the 1st 2015, Intaka Learning is the official partner involved with the marketing and the implementation of EPASS in South-Africa. Intaka Learning is a company based in Cape Town, and was founded by Magda Ritzen and Yusri Dien. Yusri Dien has a background in information systems and Magda is an expert in developing online learning programmes, teaching methodology and designing assessment tools.
For an overview of all educations that use EPASS as their portfolio system, visit page Portfolios.